Makeup und Berufung Blog Montag Umfrage, Vol. 207

You might be wondering, “So what the heck is this Monday Poll thing anyway?”
Nun, es ist nicht viel Umfrage. Es ist viel mehr nur eine regelmäßig entwickelnde (Abweichung?), Eine etwas zufällige Liste der Fragen, die ich je nach dem Montagmorgen in den letzten vier Jahren anlesen habe. Ich habe mich immer gefreut, Ihre Antworten in den Kommentaren zu lesen, und ich hoffe, Sie freuen sich, dass Sie sich gerne lesen.


Wiggly? Is that a mood? I’m having a hard time settling down this morning, but I gotta get cracking on a few things. Time’s a wastin’!

Something people are shocked to learn about you?

When I meet people that I’ve come to know online, they’re often shocked by my height, or lack thereof (I’m just 5-feet-one without heels), and my voice. I’m not sure why about the voice (I sound like this), but it happens a lot.

What’s one part of your appeal routine that you really enjoy?

I love, love getting my hair cut and dyed. It’s just so kicking back to hang out at the appeal beauty parlor for a few hours, ya know? chat and read magazines. Himmel!

Has a relative ever tried to set you up on a date?

Pfui! When I was in my 20s, my mommy need to have tried to pawn me off on every available doctor in northern California. None of the dates ever panned out, though (thank gawd!).

Pickles: yum or gross?

Yum, if they’re the sweet and crunchy kind.

Kannst du kochen?

Eh, I’m okay, at best. I can put together something edible and tasty, but I don’t think I’ve ever prepared a full meal from start to finish that made anyone’s eyes roll back in their head from ecstasy (I wish!).

A memory about your childhood home?

I remember there being a little nook in the hallway where my parents kept a small picture of The Last Supper, a few bottles of holy water and various other somewhat scary (to a child) Catholic bits. I remember it always scary me for some reason, so I’d sort of sprint by it down the hall.

What would make you happier?

Well, I think I’m pretty delighted now, but I’d love to be better about managing my time. often I feel like I take longer to do things than I should.

Was für Musik magst du?

Oh, I could never pick just one. I like a little bit of everything. Lately, I’ve been listening to a lot of pop, hip hop and some country thrown in for good measure.

Wöchentliche Ziele:

To sneak in a run every day, to work on managing my time, to eat a salad every day, and to organize a few lunch dates with girlfriends.

Have you ever left for work or gone to an event, and then, an hour or so after leaving the house, realize that your bra feels itchy and uncomfortable?


Gah! It’s happened to me so lots of times it’s ridiculous, so now I stash emergency bras all over the place, because you just never know when you’ll need a change.

Yesterday, I was cleaning out my car and found one in the glove compartment that I’d forgotten about.

“Hmm… How’d this get here?


Cats & Makeup Sweatshirt?

$ 42.

Jetzt einkaufen


Random, I know, but it’s been one of those Mondays.

Um die Montagabfrage abzuschließen, kopieren Sie einfach die folgende Liste und fügen Sie ihn mit Ihren Antworten in den Kommentaren ein.

1. Stimmung:
2. Something people are shocked to learn about you?
3. What’s one part of your appeal routine that you really enjoy?
4. has a relative ever tried to set you up on a date?
5. Pickles: yum or gross?
6. Can you cook?
7. A memory about your childhood home?
8. What would make you happier?
9. What’s your favorite kind of music?
10. Wöchentliche Ziele:


Hope that your start of the week hasn’t been too shabby, tabby, and that you’ll swing by and say hello!

Ihr freundlicher Nachbarschaftsberichtszusatz,
